Fixed a bug where the Page Tree was not expanding the child pages of the selected page.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the modules were missing default titles.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the news module was not exporting the correct avatar setting.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the navigation cards were missing the monochromatic setting.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the navigation cards were missing content.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the navigation content module’s button was exported even though no button text or url was present.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the navigation highlight module’s monochromatic image setting was not being exported.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the navigation highlight module’s primary text was not exported as bold text.
Fixing Fixed a bug in the layout export to cloud where the closed setting from the spaces module where not mapped to the correct setting on cloud.