Versions Compared


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Required cookies

Refined collects a handful of some cookies , which are necessary for the product to function: for example to authenticate a user. Users can’t opt out of these cookies in Refined, but they may be able to opt out by changing their browser settings. However, Refined will not function as expected if users have blocked cookies.


According to the EU's Data Protection Law (GDPR), you need users' consent to collect the Google Analytics and custom cookies.


Custom cookies

Insert excerpt
Advanced site-building
Advanced site-building
nameCustom HTML/CSS warning

You can add your own cookies with the HTML module or by adding custom HTML or CSS to your site.

The cookies we set for consent are required-cookies-acknowledged and all-cookies-accepted. The value of these cookies is the version of the cookie dialog that the user has accepted. The site DOM contains a meta tag with the name cookie-latest-version. You can accessed and compared it with the consent cookie values to decide if you should add your cookies or not. The value in the meta tag will be 0 if the dialog is not set up. The version will increase whenever the cookie dialog is edited.

Data Processing Agreement

You can review and download our DPA here. We do not accept any changes to the DPA.