When sharing requests with participants
For JSM customers to be able to share a request with other customers, set up the settings under Project settings > Customer Permissions > Customer sharing. However, two limitations exist with the 1st and 2nd settings, as marked by the arrows in the below screenshot.
2nd setting - The request can’t be shared when searching for other customers within the same project by entering an email address or name. However, the request can be shared when searching for a name within the same organization. Fixing this limitation is only possible if this Atlassian issue is fixed. Please vote and/or comment on the issue if it impacts you.
When sharing requests with organizations
When a JSM customer creates a request, they cannot add organizations to it.
The request view doesn't show which organization(s) the request is shared with.
JSM customers can view all the organizations they are a part of as well as the requests shared with them via those organizations.
Note that this only works if all the service desks linked to those organizations have been added as projects into your Refined site.
What we are doing to solve these limitations
We are in continual contact with Atlassian to improve the APIs. To track the status, see the Atlassian tickets. Please vote or comment on the tickets that are related to these limitations, so that Atlassian can also hear your feedback.