Fixed an issue where Blog spaces without a space description in the Atlassian data would cause crashes and be inaccessible.
Fixed a compatibility issue where custom HTML/CSS from Confluence admin settings weren't properly included on Refined sites on newer versions of Confluence.
Links previews in the news module text content are now clickable.
Fixed various issues with filter configurations on the news module
Fixes an issue where some buttons would be hidden behind the space title on smaller screens
Fixed an issue where images containing special characters weren't properly displayed in the news module.
Fixed an issue where dates weren't properly fetched and displayed in the news module, if it was configured to include confluence pages.
The setting for hiding titles in the news module or macro now works as intended again.
Fixed an issue where WebResourceManager would generate errors in the server logs.
Fixed an issue where text variables like "$spacekey" didn't work properly on layouts for certain modules.
Fixed an issue where using @home for the page tree caused issues with the collapsed sidebar.
Fixed an issue where advanced themes didn't work properly on newer versions of ConfleunceConfluence
Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete users set up as "Space users" if they had numeric usernames
Version 7.7.6
25 February 2025