Visit the Version 2x.x page for a full history of version 2 releases.
To report bugs and share ideas for improvements, please contact usDid you find a bug, or do you have ideas for improvements and new features? Contact us!
Version 2.5
15 March 2024
Confluence 8.8 support & compatibility updates
This release adds compatibility with Confluence 8.8. The minimum version of the app has also been updated to reflect the Atlassian Support EOL policy - Min supported Confluence version is 7.17.0.
UI Text Box
The UI Text box has been updated. Rather than selecting a type, you can now freely mix icon and color.
Two new icons added:
The old admin UI for defining colors per type has thus been deprecated.
Rather than having an admin UI where you defined what “Green” means for the success icon, the macro now allows to freely mix background color with icon and text color.
UI Image
New attribute available: Image Alt text - Alt text for the image
New attribute available: Image title - Title attribute for the image
Additional improvements
Fixed an issue where user avatars weren’t displayed properly on UI Children Cards
Version 2.4
14 December 2022
Confluence 8 support & compatibility updates
This release adds the latest compatibility with Confluence 8. The minimum version of the app has also been updated to reflect the Atlassian Support EOL policy - Min supported Confluence version is 7.10.0.
With this the old Internet Explorer 11 support is also dropped.
Additional features & improvements
It now properly works to link directly to a https://refined.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=REFINEDTOOLKITDC&title=UI%20Expand%20macro on the same page.
Fixed an issue where macro styles weren't properly applied when doing PDF exports on certain Confluence versions.
The https://refined.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=REFINEDTOOLKITDC&title=UI%20Button%20macro now only displays the external link icon if there's a link configured.
Fixed an issue where the url hash didn't update on collapsing a UI Expand macro.
Updated bundled packages & dependencies.
Version 2.3
9 October 2020