To add content to your site, go to the site structure:
Go to the site.
Click the
Cogwheel in the site’s navigation menu.
Click Site structure.
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Content and structure itemsMost sites consist of a mix of these content and structure items: A Refined Page is a customizable landing page. Although it doesn’t feature a specific Confluence space, Jira Software project or JSM project itself, you can let it show content from spaces and projects that are already added in the site structure. You can group items under the Refined Page to create a drop-down list in the navigation menu. Menu folders also let you create drop-down lists in the navigation menu. As opposed to a Refined Page, a menu folder doesn’t have a landing page. When you add a Confluence space, you add all its pages and blog posts to the site. You can feature them on customizable landing pages to help users navigate the space’s content. When you add a JSM project, you create a customizable landing page for the project. Users can create and view requests on this page. When you add a Jira project, you create a customizable landing page for the project. Users can create and view issues on this page. Note that due to maintenance, it’s temporarily not possible for customers whose accounts were created after 20 August 2023to add Jira projects to Refined sites. Links let you direct users to any page you want, on or off your site, straight from your site’s navigation menu.
Add content items to your siteClick the + Add space or project button to choose spaces and projects from your linked Confluence/JSM instance. Click the + Add other item button to add a Refined Page, menu folder, or link.
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The content you add will automatically appear in your site’s navigation menu. By dragging and dropping items, you can group them to create drop-downs in the navigation menu. You can also organize items into folders, and add links to other sites as menu items. You can even exclude certain items from the navigation menu if you want.  |