The Page Tree module shows the page hierarchy within a Confluence space. Use it to provide an easy navigation experience, similar to a table of contents.

Page tree module

Add this module to a landing page

  1. Go to a landing page on your site.

  2. Click the Edit page button.

  3. Hover your mouse over the desired location on the page and click the + Add module button that appears.

  4. Click Pages in the left-hand menu.

  5. Select the Page Tree module.

Edit the title

Simply click the module’s title (heading), to edit it. There are various formatting options, including paragraph/heading styles. Tip: use text variables to make the text dynamic, for example to display the user’s first name.

Edit the settings

  1. Click the module to open its settings menu, which appears on its right-hand side.

  2. Edit the settings, which are divided over multiple tabs:

Module tab




Add an Image, Color, or Gradient as background – or turn off the background by selecting None.

There are multiple ways to pick a color:

  • Select the shade and hue at the top of the popup.

  • Enter an RGB, RGBA, or hex code.

  • Click the eyedropper icon to select a color from anywhere on the page (available in the browsers Firefox and Edge).

  • Click one of the recently used colors.

Use the vertical slider in the middle of the popup to control the color’s opacity.

Fixed height

By default, all modules adjust their size to their content. To set a fixed height instead, fill in the desired height in pixels.

Page Tree tab



Root page

Is the module placed on a Confluence space landing page? Leave this field empty to show all parent and child pages in that space. Alternatively, specify a page ID to show all child pages that belong to that page.

Is the module placed on a different type of landing page? Enter the page ID of the space overview page show all parent and child pages in that space.