The Issue Types module makes it possible for users to create Jira Issues directly on your Refined site. It lists all Issue Types that a user is allowed to see in a Jira project.
You can add this module to your site home, category homes, and Jira projects/JSM portals.
You can customise the module’s content, as well as its look and feel.
Specify the Jira Project ID (the project key) or use the text variable $projectid to show issue types from the current project. You can include multiple Jira projects on the same page, by adding multiple Issue Types modules.
Layout. Choose between an icon or list, which includes icons as well as the request types descriptions from the Jira project.
Columns. Specify how many columns the issue types are divided into. Icon layouts are more compact than list layouts, which gives you space for more columns.
Item size. Specify the size of the request types.