Contact Refined support if you experience any issues.

After you filed a ticket, we may ask you to provide additional troubleshooting information:

The console log tells us whether there are any errors when the page is being rendered. The network log shows us the requests that are sent between the server and the browser.

  1. Go the page where the issue occurs.

  2. Right-click the page > choose Inspect element. The inspect area may open in different positions or in a separate window, based on your browser and settings.

  3. Go to the Console tab and the Network tab to look for errors, which are usually marked in red or purple. If available, click the triangle icon (console) or log (network) for more information about the error.

If the console log or network log is empty, reload the page.

If you can’t see the recent edit you’ve made in Refined, it might be because the browser has cached the content. Force the browser to clear the cache and to download the most recent version of the page and its styles:


Keyboard shortcut


On Mac: cmd + shift + R

On Windows: ctrl + F5


cmd + alt + E, followed by cmd + R


ctrl + F5


Follow these instructions.

All customers who have installed an app from Refined have a Service Entitlement Number (SEN).

If you are a Jira/Confluence admin, you can find each app’s SEN number under Manage apps > Refined. If you are the billing contact of the license, you can locate the SEN number on

  1. As Confluence admin, navigate to Manage Apps > Refined for Confluence Cloud or Refined for Jira Cloud, depending on which app you want to uninstall.

  2. If uninstall is grayed out, click unsubscribe.

  3. After this, click on uninstall to uninstall the app.

  4. Navigate to Find Apps, and search for the Refined for Confluence Cloud or Refined for Jira Cloud app.

  5. Click on Try it Free to reinstall the app.