Users with Global Administrator or Site Administrator permissions can edit settings in the Refined Administration.

Administrators of a particular Confluence space or JSM project can always edit the landing page of that space or project. They don’t need to get Global Administrator or Site Administrator permissions for this.

Global Administrator permissions

Users with global administrator permissions have full editing permissions in Refined. By default, all your organization's Confluence/Jira Administrators have global administrator rights in Refined. You can also give global administrator rights to other users in your organization, by making them Refined Administrators. This can be beneficial if you want a designer to help out with the look and feel of several sites, for example.

Refined Administrators are still bound by Atlassian permissions. This means that they can only add and edit spaces or projects if they can view them in Confluence or Jira.

In Jira Service Management (JSM), JSM Agents can see to which Refined site a project is added. They can’t make any changes in Refined unless they are a Refined Administrator or Site Administrator.

Add or remove Refined Administrators

  1. Go to the Refined Administration.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click Permissions.

  3. To add an admin, click the + Add Refined Administrator button.
    To remove an admin, hover your cursor over an admin and click the cross that appears.

Site Administrator permissions

Site Administrators can manage a specific Refined Site. This includes editing the site settings, as well as landing pages of spaces and projects that they are allowed to view. Even if these pages contain sections that the Site Administrator can’t view on the Refined site due to the section’s view permissions, they are still able to view and edit them in the Page Builder.

Site Administrator permissions can be especially helpful when you work with teams that all have different specializations. For example:

Add or remove Site Administrators

Users with global administrator permissions can give Site Administrator permissions to others in their organization:

  1. Go to the Refined Administration.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click Sites > the site you want to edit.

  3. Click the Permissions tab > Add site administrator, or hover a user’s avatar and click the cross to remove them.