When you create a Refined site, it’s located on a Refined domain with a subdomain of your choice: (subdomain).refined.site. Alternatively, you can make your site accessible via a URL on a custom domain you own: (subdomain).(domain.com). Such a custom domain helps users understand the purpose of your site and remember it more easily.
Refined domain examples | Custom domain examples |
Your Refined for Cloud subscription includes one free custom domain, your can use for one Refined site. If you'd like to connect more Refined sites to your own domain, buy a custom domain subscription. |
Your custom domain includes an SSL certificate, which is renewed when needed — free of charge.
In this tutorial we use examples from a fictional scenario. Let’s say that a company called Octo ITSM owns the domain octo-itsm.com. They used Refined to build a support site on octo-itsm.refined.site, and want to make it available for users on help.octo-itsm.com.
You may need help from your domain administrator to complete this step. |
Before you connect your custom domain to a Refined site, it needs to be set up in your domain’s DNS configuration. Add a CNAME record and map it to custom.domain.refined.site. Use this exact string — don't replace custom.domain with any other text.
Go to the Refined Administration.
Click Sites in the left-hand menu.
Select the site.
Go to the Configuration tab.
Click the Edit General Settings button.
Fill in the custom domain.
Click the Save changes button.
It might take some time before your custom domain is active. But no need to wait with making changes to your site — you can do this during the domain setup.
When the site indicator changes from yellow to green in Refined Administration > Sites, your update is done.