Promote your organization’s events right on your refined sites. Get the word out about your next holiday party, release webinar, customer summit, benefits info session, or whatever else is on the calendar.

Create and manage events

  1. Go to site settings.

  2. Click the Events tab.

events tab admin view

Create an event

Click the + Create event button and set up the event:




Shown upon hovering the

Image, color, or gradient

There are multiple ways to pick a color:

  • Select the shade and hue at the top of the popup.

  • Enter an RGB, RGBA, or hex code.

  • Click the eyedropper icon to select a color from anywhere on the page (available in the browsers Firefox and Edge).

  • Click one of the recently used colors.

Use the vertical slider in the middle of the popup to control the color’s opacity.


Shown in the preview in the Events module and at the top of the page.

Starts at & ends at

The date and time


Describe what the event is about

Type: physical

Add the location where the event takes place.

Type: virtual

Add a link to the service where users can participate in the event.

Manage an event

Click an event’s (blue star) three dots to:

Make the events visible on your site

Landing pages

Once you’ve created events in the Refined Administration, you can showcase them on landing pages on your site. Simply add an Events module and all your events will by shown dynamically.

events landing page

Event details page

When a user clicks an event on the landing page, they go to the event details page.

events module

Linking directly to the event details page

Each event details page has a unique URL. So you can link directly to it from another place on your site (e.g. with a button, card, or other module), social media, Slack, etc. Simply copy the URL when you’re on the event details page, or go to the Events tab, click the (blue star) three dots > Copy URL.