Users in Space macro

Users in Space macro

With Refined, you can connect users to categories and spaces. The Users in Space macro displays users connected to the space. For example, on an intranet you can show which users work in the IT team and which roles they have. To add users to a space, you need to use the Confluence permission scheme.

This macro is not related to space permissions. It is simply a way of displaying users who are organisationally connected to the space, for example to let users know who to contact.

Add and edit the macro

You can add macros to pages, user dashboards, and space layouts.

To change its settings, click the macro > Edit.



Available since



Available since


The macro’s title.



A text, for example to explain more about the space or the users.


Space key

Specify a space key to show users and roles from that category. You will not need to do this if the macro is placed in the space layout editor or any page in the space. It is not possible to use a personal space key.


Users from category

Select to show users from this space's parent category. This will override the space key settings.


  • List displays the users with avatar and name.

  • Avatar displays the users with an avatar.



Avatar size: small or large.


Roles only

Select to display only the space users that have a specified role in this space.


Macro key

Macro keys are used to identify macros in the macro browser and to build custom solutions. The Users in Space macro key is rw-users-space.