JavaScript API
Johannes Laatu (Deactivated)
Madzy Soetman
Public JavaScript methods
The public JavaScript events are placed on the RefinedWiki API namespace: RWA. This is divided into sub-namespaces based on functionality.
Hides the user category link located in the category menu.
Also removes all User category dropdowns
@return void - no return value
RWA.Category.hideUserCategory = function();
Hides all inline user category inline dialogs. Note that this won't hide users associated with a top level
category, only open dialogs refering to subcategories.
RWA.Category.hideInlineUserCategoryDialogs = function();
Hides any open category by closing the category dropdown and any open
user category dialogs. This function will trigger a
'rw-categories:category-dropdown-closed' event.
@return the ID selector for the DOM element representing the closed
category. On the form rw_category_key_{categoryKey}
RWA.Category.hideCategory = function();
Shows the requested top level category by opening its category
dropdown. Will trigger 'rw-categories:category-dropdown-open' event.
@param key - nameKey of the category to open.
@param expandAll - True or false depending on if the containing
subcategories in the dropdown should be expanded or collapsed. Usable
if collapsed mode is used.
@param callback - Callback function for when the dropdown content has
been rendered. If supplied this will be called with two parameters:
$el - the category dropdown wrapper as jQuery object.
category - JSON object representing the category just opened - with
any fetched data populated as well.
@return boolean - True if the category with the specified key was
found - false otherwise. Use the callback function to get relevant values.
RWA.Category.showCategory = function(key, expandAll, callback);
Toggles the requested subcategory by collapsing/expanding it.
@param subCategory - Either the key of the subcategory e.g. 'subKey'
or the entire jQuery selector string e.g. 'rw_sub_category_key_subKey',
or the jQuery object itself e.g. $('#rw_sub_category_key_subKey')
Will trigger a 'rw-categories:category-opened' or a
'rw-categories:category-closed' event depending on the result of the
@returns void - no return value
Returns the key of the active top level category. A category is active
if a user is viewing any content placed in that top level category. This
includes subcategories, category dashboards, or content placed in that
category or any subcategory, such as a space or a blog. The category
doesn't have to be open - i.e. showing a dropdown to be concidered
@return string representation of the active category key. The element for
that category can then be reached at #rw_category_key_{categoryKey}
From version 5.0.2
Returns the settings associated to the categories and category menu.
This will be an object with keys and associated values. Some examples are
collapsedSubCategories - boolean flag for if collapsed categories are used.
showSpaceLogo - true if space logos are shown.
From version 5.0.5
Returns true if we are currently in fullscreen mode.
From version 5.0.5
Opens the current page in fullscreen mode. This will trigger the 'rw-page:fullscreen-toggle' event.
From version 5.0.5
Closes the fullscreen mode for the current page. This will trigger the 'rw-page:fullscreen-toggle' event.
Refined for Confluence provides various js events you can listen to, which are triggered on the AJS namespace. You can bind on them in the following way:
AJS.bind('rw-categories:category-opened', function(e, $el, category){
// A collapsed category was just opened. Check if we should append our cool feature ...
Available rw-categories events
// Triggered when the top navigation has been populated with the top-level categories.
AJS.bind('rw-categories:menu-loaded', function(e, $el, categories){ });
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the category menu. This also includes the first 'Dashboard' item if present.e - jQuery Event
categories - JSON Array containing all categories loaded in the navigation menu. See other category events for category attributes.
// Triggered when a collapsable (sub)category is opened within the category dropdown.
// Opening a subcategory will load and render it's content. If the category previously
// has loaded the content is just showed as it's already present in the DOM.
AJS.bind('rw-categories:category-opened', function(e, $el, category){ });
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the category that has been opened.e - jQuery Event
category - JSON object representing the category in question. Some useful attributes include:
canEdit: boolean
children: Array
link: Object
name: string
nameKey: string
parentKey: string
subCategories: Array
themeId: int
type: string
// Triggered when a collapsable (sub)category is closed within the category dropdown.
// Closing a subcategory will just hide its content rather than delete it - in order to
// be able to re-render without having to re-fetch the content.
AJS.bind('rw-categories:category-closed', function(e, $el, category){ });
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the category that has been closed.e - jQuery Event
category - JSON object representing the category in question. Some useful attributes include:
canEdit: boolean
children: Array
link: Object
name: string
nameKey: string
parentKey: string
subCategories: Array
themeId: int
type: string
// Triggers when the category dropdown is opened. At this stage the $el will contain all category elements that will be populated with data.
// If the user is using collapsed subcategories, these elements will only contain the expandable header of the category. In those cases you
// could listen to rw-categories:category-opened and rw-categories:category-closed to get info on when the collapsed categories are toggled.
AJS.bind('rw-categories:category-dropdown-open', function(e, $el, category){ });
e - jQuery Event
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the dropdown wrapper that has been opened.
category - JSON object representing the category in question. Some useful attributes include:
canEdit: boolean
children: Array
link: Object
name: string
nameKey: string
parentKey: string
subCategories: Array
themeId: int
type: string
// Triggered when the category dropdown is hidden
// selector == rw_category_key_{categoryKey}
// Denotes the id-attribute of the element that has been hidden.
AJS.bind('rw-categories:category-dropdown-closed', function(e, $el, category){ });
e - jQuery Event
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the dropdown wrapper that has been closed.
category - JSON object representing the category in question. Some useful attributes include:
canEdit: boolean
children: Array
link: Object
name: string
nameKey: string
parentKey: string
subCategories: Array
themeId: int
type: string
Available rw-page events
// Triggered when the fullscreen feature is opened or closed
AJS.bind('rw-page:fullscreen-toggle', function(e, $el, isFullscreen) { });
$el - jQuery object representing the DOM element containing the page. div#rw_main_column.e - jQuery Event
isFullscreen - true if the page is currently in fullscreen