Add quick links and links to requests in navigation modules
Use navigation modules to help users find their way around your sites. In the module settings, you can add any destination page in the Link URL field. To help you speed up the process, you can also simply add quick links to direct users to a specific knowledge base article, service desk or ‘create request’ dialog. Or direct users to requests with a specific status.
Quick links
To link to a: | Write in the Link URL field: | For example: |
Knowledge base article | article:{page ID} | article:135233 |
Service Desk | servicedesk:{service desk ID} | servicedesk:3 |
Create Request Dialog | servicedesk:{service desk ID}:{request type ID} | servicedesk:3:1 |
To show requests with the status: | Write in the Link URL field: |
Closed | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?status=closed |
Open | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?status=open |
Closed, reported by anyone | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?reporter=all&status=closed |
Closed, I am participant | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?reporter=others&status=closed |
Waiting for my approval | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/approvals |
Any status | http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests |