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Use navigation modules to help users find their way around your sites. In the module settings, you can add any destination page in the Link URL field. To help you speed up the process, you can also simply add quick links to direct users to a specific knowledge base article


By adding the following syntax to the link url field you get a quick link to a knowledge base article: 

format: article:THE_PAGE_ID

example: article:135233


By adding the following syntax to the link url field you get a quick link to a service desk:

format: servicedesk:THE_SERVICE_DESK_ID

example: servicedesk:3

Link to Create Request Dialog

By adding the following syntax to the link url field you get a quick link to a create request for a specific request type on a specific service desk:


example: servicedesk:3:1

My Requests

You can also benefit from the URL parameters for open requests. Use a navigation module and add the URL to create a link to a view with requests in specific status or creator. 

Closed http://YourInstance/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?status=closed


, service desk or ‘create request’ dialog. Or direct users to requests with a specific status.

To link to a:

Write in the Link URL field:

For example:

Knowledge base article

article:{page ID}


Service Desk

servicedesk:{service desk ID}


Create Request Dialog

servicedesk:{service desk ID}:{request type ID}


titleFind the page ID of a knowledge base article
  1. Go to your Refined site.

  2. Search for your knowledge base article.

  3. When the article opens as a pop up, you can see the page ID in the URL. In this example, the page ID is 56393872.

    Image Added
titleFind a service desk's ID
  1. Go to a service desk on your Refined Site.

  2. You can now see the ID in the URL:
    {your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/{service desk ID}

titleFind a request type's ID
  1. Go to the Project settings via the project Agent view.

  2. Click Edit fields for individual request types.

  3. You can now see the ID in the URL:
    {your domain}/servicedesk/admin/{KEY}/request-types/request-type/{request type ID}


To show requests with the status:

Write in the Link URL field:


http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?status=






{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?status=open



, reported by anyone




{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?reporter=all&status=closed



, I am participant




{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests?reporter=others&status=closed

Waiting for my approval




{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/approvals

Finding the id for portals, create requests and articles

Service Desks/Portals
Each portal has its own id that is visible in the URL. 

Create request URL
Get the create request URL by clicking to create a request. The URL is unique for portal and request type.

Each category you create also has its own unique URL. Get the URL by going to the category. 


Any status

http://{your domain}/plugins/servlet/desk/user/requests