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After adding a Jira Service Management (JSM) project to a site structure, users can create and view requests directly on your that site. Refined sites . Sites support most all native JSM request fields, with limitations for the ones listed below. We continually add support for newly introduced fields. Sites including Forms. Some fields have limitations, which are listed below.

Due to the cloud infrastructure, Refined sites don’t support fields from third-party apps.


Assets fields in JSM requests and forms are supported, once you manually connect your site to Atlassian’s Assets API.

nameAssets limitations

Because you connect one user’s API token, that user’s Assets permissions apply to the entire site. So the site doesn’t take into account individual visiting user’s permissions. A workaround would be that you as an administrator create a the Assets permissions of users on your site. We recommend creating a service user specifically for the purpose of creating a token, giving the users the specific access you want that user a product admin role and the specific Assets permissions you want all users on your site to have.

Fields always show as multi-select, even when you set them up to be single-select. To help users, make sure to mention in the field description whether users should choose one or multiple assets.

These limitations occur to due Atlassian API limitations: please vote and comment on this active Atlassian ticket.

The feature won’t work if you use the Atlassian premium feature IP allowlist. Please vote and comment on this active Atlassian ticket.

Affected Services fields

Due to Atlassian APIs, we currently don’t show this field because it doesn’t return any values (ie. the field is not functional). We're in direct contact with Atlassian regarding this. Please vote and comment on this active Atlassian ticket.


Assignee field

Only users with a Jira Software license can see the assignee: it’s not visible to JSM customers.

Cascading select field

The field is supported in request forms. In a regular request, it renders with only one selection box.