On this page we highlight the following releases:
Visit the Version 2.x.x page for a full history of version 2 releases.
Please continue to report bugs and share your ideas for improvements and new features at support.refined.com!
Thank you!
Version 2.2
18 March 2011
1. Unlimited levels of subcategories
You can now create as many levels of subcategories you want.
2. Speed Improvements
We have improved the load time of the dashboards. All our dashboard macros are now dynamically loaded with Ajax.
The toolbar menu is now performing better with Internet Explorer.
We have also made improvements to the UI to make it more lightweight.
3. Improved toolbar
We have redesigned and improved the behaviour of the toolbar menu.
4. Space Directory
The Confluence 3.5 space directory is displaying the full category and subcategory hierarchy.
5. Ad hoc workflow improvements
A published ad hoc workflow page is now containing the left navigation column. RWOT-35
6. Space layout applies to blog posts
The space layout fields: header, page meta data, page top, page bottom and footer are now applied on blog posts. RWOT-37
7. Improved layout and functionality of the space-news macro
You can now decide if you want the space news to be collapsed or not.
8. Minor bug fixes
Multiple rw-news macros can be used on the same page. RWOT-40
Breadcrumbs line works with page names including Korean characters. RWOT-32
Manage categories : field errors cause a form wipe. RWOT
Version 2.1
16 December 2010
1. Category drop down menu
Fixed issues: RWOT-20
Category drop down menu, multiple column. | Category drop down menu, single column. |
2. Favourite content pop-up
You can always access you favourite spaces and pages from the top menu or by taping the keys: shift + f (F).
Favourite pop-up |
3. Improved Ad Hoc Workflow compatibility
Fixed issues: RWOT-15
4. Minor bug-fixes
Improved performance when using IE7.
The IE8 transparent background bug is fixed. RWOT-19
Printing of blog posts in safari is now working. RWOT-22
5. Security update
Improved Cross Site Scripting(XSS) protection.
Version 2.0
18 October 2010
1. Customize templates
It's now possible to customize templates to match your company logo.
Choose between three designs.
Choose background and link color.
And your done!
2. Introducing a new clean template design
3. View pages in full screen
It's now possible to view a page in full screen. Click on the full screen button or hit the key f.
4. Improved quick search function
The quick search function is now always accessible even when you have scrolled down. Click on the search icon or type / to search.
5. Improved functionality of the recently updated macro
It's now possible to filter the feed on different content types. We have also updated the design.
6. Keyboard Shortcuts
f | View a page or blog post in full screen mode. |
a | View attachments without leaving the page or blog post. |
/ | Access the quick search function. ( In some browsers you have to type ctrl / ) |
7. Language support
We are now supporting English, German, French and Spanish. RefinedTheme for Confluence is automatically shown in the language that the user has chosen in their settings.