Version 4.x release notes
On this page we highlight the following releases:
Visit the Version 4.x.x page for a full history of version 4 releases.
Did you find a bug, or do you have ideas for improvements and new features? Contact us!
Version 4.2
19 january 2016
We found that it's hard to find the users behind the content in Confluence. Who is in charge of the Marketing Category? Who is working with the product spaces? With version 4.2 of RefinedWiki Original Theme you can organize users into categories and spaces.
In the background we've been focusing a lot on enhancing the performance of Original Theme to make it a smoother user experience.
Organize users into categories
Original Theme now let's you extend your category structure by organizing users into categories and subcategories. You can add individual users, user groups or create a user role.
Organize users into spaces
You can organize users into spaces. In the same way as with categories, you can add individual users, user groups or create custom roles. This option is available to the space admin as well as the confluence administrator.
Sub-category dashboards
With 4.2 it's possible to extend your structure with the introduction of dashboards for subcategories. These work the same way as regular dashboards and are available directly from the category dropdown section.
Assign category administrators
When creating and editing categories in the spaces & categories organizer as a Confluence administrator you can now add users as Category administrators. A Category admin will be able to edit the category dashboard and organize users into the category and it's subcategories.
Improved category & space organizer
The Organize spaces & categories function for administrators has received an upgrade. The organizer is now faster, and has introduced features to make the organizing of content more smooth. You can now rearrange multiple spaces at the same time, and there's also a new search filter for finding the spaces faster.
Improved performance
Behind the scenes there's been a lot of changes for Original Theme. Categories and spaces in categories now load faster and more efficient than ever before. Backend caching has improved to enhance performance. The Cache Management system has also been improved and extended for the new features in order to enhance performance for both users and server.
New macros
To complement the new organization of users we've introduced 2 new macros:
Users in category - Display users and roles tied to a category. Different layout options and configurations.
Users in spaces - Display users and roles tied to a space. Different layout options and configurations.
Improved macros
The macros User Details Macro and Users Macro has been improved and can now be configured to display what categories and spaces a user is member of.
Version 4.1
27 Aug 2014
Cache is king
In this release we're introducing a feature which allows you to cache the main (REST) resources of RefinedWiki Original Theme. REST responses will be stored locally in the browser using the Web Storage API. This will decrease the amount of server requests.
Confluence Data Center ready
RefinedWiki Original Theme is now Confluence Data Center Ready.
Create space dialog management
An administrator can decide if the space layout and space categorization dialog should be shown when creating new spaces.
An administrator can also prevent space admins from organizing spaces.
New default design
We've changed the default design to a turquoise version of the edge design.
Improved admin UI
XSS vulnerability resolved
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the activity stream is identified and resolved. Affected versions are RefinedWiki Original Theme 3.x - 4.0.x. We recommend you to upgrade to this version: 4.1. Fixes are also included in version 3.5.13 and version 4.0.12.
Our thanks to Manuel Hofer (SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab) who reported the XSS vulnerability.
Risk Assessment
The cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability affect Confluence instances, including publicly available instances (that is, internet-facing servers), if the attacker is allowed to edit pages. XSS vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own JavaScript into a Confluence page. You can read more about XSS attacks at (The Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) FAQ )
Bug fixes
Version 4.0
2 December 2013
With the new release of Original Theme 4.0 we've added support for Confluence 5.3 and a lot of new exciting features!
1. New Global sidebar menu
With Original Theme 4.0 we've continued to improve the navigation of Confluence by introducing a new global sidebar menu. The menu can be configured to be shown in one of three modes; always open, always closed or responsive, changing depending on window size.
2. A new dashboard editor
We've developed a new dashboard editor to replace the old layout method using wiki markup. With the new editor you will be able to edit the dashboard, category dashboards, user dashboards and even space layouts. You can change the layout by adding or removing sections, headers and footers. To edit you can start from one of the predefined templates and simply add any macro to the dashboard using the Confluence macro browser, or add custom content using the Confluence editor. Changing the layout is as easy as drag-n-dropping the items to the desired locations.
3. Space layout editor with space types.
The new dashboard editor also extends to the editing of space layouts, removing the wiki markup way of specifying the layout. To edit the space layout you simply add macros or content the same way as on a dashboard. In addition you can also specify space options such as showing the space logo, showing comments, children pages and more.
The space layout editor also comes bundled with a set of predefined space types. These contain settings and layout options suited for that type of space. In addition to creating your own custom layout, the following space types are included in this release:
4. Streamlined space creation process
When creating a new space you'll be presented with a new dialog where you can specify what category to add the space to, as well as what space layout type to use for that space. Furthermore you can now easily rearrange spaces using the new Change category option.
5. A more refined admin experience
In this release we've improved the administrator experience by adding two new features.
Admin messages
The administrator will now have a better overview and understanding of Original Theme with the introduction of Admin messages. These will inform the administrator about Original Theme regarding any errors that might have occurred, warnings about using outdated macros or other useful information.
Full control over all layouts
With Original Theme 4.0 the administrator will have full control over all layouts used in the instance. The global space layout can easily be changed or configured using the new space layout editor, as well as the global user dashboard. Any space or user dashboard that's been modified to use a custom or predefined layout will be available to view or edit directly from the administrator section.
6. Two new footer columns
The footer has been extended with two new types of columns; Blog Column and Custom HTML Column. You can use the blog column to display the latest blogs and news from your specified spaces. Alternately you can show news from all configured blogs, or from the entire confluence instance.
With the custom HTML column you could add your own HTML code as a column in the footer. This could for example be used to add your own widgets.
7. Improved UI for search and macros
The search UI has been improved to be more accessible as a popup found through the key navigation or the new global sidebar menu. The bundled macros included with Original Theme has also received a facelift to be better presented with the new dashboard and space layouts.
8. Compatible with Confluence Questions beta
9. Improved performance with better caching
We've improved the performance of Original Theme both for the server and client by improving the cache handling of resources and designs. With the new release the server should receive less requests and the client will load faster.
10. Other changes
The scroll search functionality is removed and replaced by the new global side menu bar.