Connect users to categories and spaces

Connect users to categories and spaces

With Refined, you can connect users to categories and spaces. For example, on an intranet you can use this feature to show which users work on an HR project and which roles they have. You can add up to 200 users per category or space.

This functionality is not related to any permissions, nor does it decide what content users can view. It is simply a way of displaying users who are organisationally connected to the category, for example to let other users know who to contact.

Add users and user groups

To connect users to a category:

  1. Go to the Refined Administration > Site Builder.

  2. Click a category’s Cogwheel > Connect users.

To connect users to a space:

  1. Go to the space.

  2. Hover your mouse over the Space users box on the left-hand side and click the Pen icon that appears.




Available for



Available for


Switch between (sub)categories to select which one to edit.



Fill in the role a user has in this category or space (search for a user by full name or username).


User groups

Search for user groups defined in Confluence. Adding a group will link all containing users to this category/space.



Search for a user by full name or username.



Select to show the connected users in the category menu’s dropdown list. Please note that this setting does not affect visibility in modules or macros.


Only display roles

Select to only show users who have roles assigned to them in the category menu’s dropdown list. This functionality is available for spaces in the Users In Space macro.


Use modules/macros to display connected users

Add the Users in Category module to a site or category home to show user information.

Use macros on pages, user dashboards, and space layouts to show user information: