Global menu

Global menu

The global menu helps logged-in users navigate your Confluence and holds items such as the Space and People Directories.

To edit the global menu:

  1. Go to the Refined Administration.

  2. Go to the Navigation tab.

Global menu settings






Choose between a sidebar menu or header menu.

Sidebar, located at the right-hand side of each page.

Header, located at the top of each page.


Choose whether the menu should be open, closed, or responsive (open or closed depending on your browser width).


Click the Manage Global Menu button to edit the menu’s content.

Global menu content

The global menu contains the following content:

  • Default items. You can decide which of the default items you want to be visible. By default you will have "My Work", "Activity Stream" and "Blog" in the Global Menu.

  • Items from plugins. These are visible if the plugin developer has specified them (system.header/left). The default theme displays these items in the header.

  • Custom items. For example, you can add a link to one of your external systems.

You can sort items by dragging them in to a new position.

Adding custom items

In Refined, you can add your own items to the global menu, using a link and an icon. If you don’t see items in the menu after adding them, make sure visibility is turned on and you have the right permissions.




The name of the item.


Size: 32 x 32 pixels.


The position of the item in the list.

Open in new window

You can choose if you want your link to open in a new browser window.


The URL to the link. Use http:// if you are linking to an external site.


If the item should be visible/published.


Anonymous: visible for everyone.
Logged in users: only visible for logged-in users.

Menu colours

To change the colour of the global menu, go into the Theme Editor > Sidebar.